
What We Do

Our Work: Canada’s workforce faces challenges. They need to constantly upgrade and develop their skills and capabilities to compete in the growingly challenging world. We exist to help them. By focusing on competency assessment and helping individuals, teams and organizations engage in skills-based learning, we can improve the performance of individuals, teams, and organizations. We can make a difference.

Working with firms, non-profits, and professional organizations, we work to assess competencies and develop meaningful, cost-effective, and realistic strategies to improve performance.

Our goal

Effective skills assessment and learning to change the productivity, competitiveness and innovative capacity of firms and organizations.

Our partners


home of the world’s leading on-demand, anytime | anywhere competency assessment system and e-portfolio.

WorkForce Strategies International (WFSI)

bringing extensive experience in occupational analysis, competency framework development, competency-based training, development and certification, serving clients in the clients in the energy, processing, construction, manufacturing, professional services and public sectors.


offering assessment and learning for team development and performance improvement.

RAD Science Solution

assessing the social and emotional skills an individuals brings to their workplace and offering support for strengthening these skills.


leading Canadian team working on literacy and the way it can impact productivity.